123BOOK.ZIP 29,368 08-30-95 Electronic book on the parent of allspreadsheet software, 123 for DOS. A greatreference and training manual with somegreat tips and tactics to make you a 123power user.
ADBPRO20.ZIP1,181,289 07-04-95 Address Database Pro v2.0 for Windows <ASP>Name/address/phone/label manager. Printsphone lists, address books, holidays lists,mailing labels and envelopes on any typepaper. Store unlimited notes for each name.
ADDRDB31.ZIP 513,033 07-03-95 Address Database v3.1 for Windows <ASP>Name/Address/Label Manager Prints phonelists, address books, holidays lists,mailing and file-folder labels on any typepaper. Store unlimited notes for each name.
ADSSHAR.ZIP 18,591 07-27-95 The Address Book v1.0s. Keep up with all ofthose addresses you always are looking for.It features everything that you could need.It even has an entry for seperate voice andfax numbers. Also has an Entry an EmailAddres
AML51.ZIP 714,471 07-15-95 All Media Library v5.1 for Windows. Theultimate database for tracking andcataloging any and all forms of media, likeCDs, Videos, Tapes, Laser Discs, GameCartridges, etc.
AMPB32.ZIP 195,684 07-31-95 Phone Book v3.2 for Windows. Can be used athome or for business. Includes fields forname, addresses, two phone numbers, fax,and comments. Unlimited number of entries,automatically sorted.
AM_BB22.ZIP 249,037 07-31-95 Bank Book v2.2 for Windows. Keeps track ofyour bank accounts. Unlimited number ofentries, automatically sorted bytransaction date. You can filter yourtransactions by a time period ortransaction type and display a summ
AM_BC40.ZIP 244,935 09-08-95 Book Catalog v4.0 for Windows. Catalog yourlibrary (books and/or magazines) in as muchdetail as you need. Unlimited number ofentries, automatically sorted. Searching byany field, printing and much more.
AM_CA22.ZIP 395,712 08-07-95 Car Book Plus v2.2 for Windows. Keep trackof all car records with a separate CarMileage Book and a Car Expenses Book. Ithas entries for services, maintenance,repairs, mileage, and much more.
AM_CB22.ZIP 371,877 08-02-95 Contact Book + v2.2 for Windows. Includestwo programs: Contact Book and Note Book.Can be used at home or for business. Keepstrack of all kinds of contacts (personal,business). Unlimited number of entries,automatically
AM_CC22.ZIP 232,244 08-07-95 Coin Catalog v2.2 for Windows. Catalog yourcoin collection in as much detail as youneed, including the Country of issue,Description, Catalog Number, Value, Dateand Price of Purchase and more.
AM_CR21.ZIP 157,828 08-07-95 Calendar/Reminder v2.1 for Windows.Excellent for Laptops. Have you forgotten abirthday, anniversary, meeting, or anyother special occasion? Let the computer dothe work for you. Even more,it will remindyou about the ev
AM_DN22.ZIP 207,158 08-07-95 Daily Notes v2.2 for Windows. Are youwriting a lot of different notes on a dailybasis? Do you want to refer to them veryquickly? Do you want to sort them bysubject or by date?
AM_DN40.ZIP 217,134 09-08-95 Daily Notes v4.0 for Windows. Are youwriting a lot of different notes on a dailybasis? Do you want to refer to them veryquickly? Do you want to sort them bysubject or by date?
AM_HC22.ZIP 231,121 08-07-95 Hardware Catalog v2.2 for Windows. Catalogyour computer hardware in as much detail asyou need, including the serial # and phonesupport number. Unlimited number ofentries, automatically sorted.
AM_HI10.ZIP 248,607 07-31-95 Home Inventory Book v1.0 for Windows. Toolfor organizing, planning, and keeping trackof your home or office contents. You maygather as much detail as you: item name,producers, location, warranty time, value,service ph
AM_IB23.ZIP 257,504 07-31-95 Internet Book v2.3 for Windows. Whether youare an Internet experienced user or just abeginner Internet Book is for you. Givesyou an easy way to gather information aboutall the Internet Resources.
AM_MC22.ZIP 236,235 08-07-95 Movie Catalog v2.2 for Windows. Catalogyour movie library in as much detail as youneed. Unlimited number of entries,automatically sorted. Searching by anyfield, printing and much more.
AM_MU40.ZIP 248,049 09-08-95 Music Catalog v4.0 for Windows. Catalogyour music library (records, CDs, casettes,etc.) in as much detail as you need.Unlimited number of entries, automaticallysorted.
AM_PB32.ZIP 195,698 08-07-95 Phone Book v3.2 for Windows. Can be used athome or for business. Includes fields forname, addresses, two phone numbers, fax,and comments. Unlimited number of entries,automatically sorted. Searching, modemdialing, more
AM_PB40.ZIP 205,350 09-08-95 Phone Book v4.0 for Windows. Can be used athome or for business. Includes fields forname, addresses, two phone numbers, fax,and comments. Unlimited number of entries,automatically sorted. Searching, modemdialing, more
AM_SC40.ZIP 249,085 09-08-95 Software Catalog v4.0 for Windows. Catalogyour software in as much detail as youneed, including the serial # and phonesupport number. Unlimited number ofentries, automatically sorted.
AM_SO22.ZIP 473,647 08-07-95 Student Organizer v2.2 for Windows.Includes three separate applications:Course Book, Reference Book, TerminologyBook. Unlimited number of entries,automatically sorted. Searching by anyfield, printing and much more.
AM_SP22.ZIP 244,887 08-07-95 Sport Card Catalog v2.2 for Windows.Catalog your sport card collection in asmuch detail as you need, including the yearof issue, brand, card number, team, type,description, date and price of purchase.
AM_ST22.ZIP 230,509 08-07-95 Stamp Catalog v2.2 for Windows. Catalogyour stamp collection in as much detail asyou need, including the Country of issue,Description, Catalog Number, Value, Dateand Price of Purchase, and more.
AM_ST40.ZIP 245,181 09-08-95 Stamp Catalog v4.0 for Windows. Catalogyour stamp collection in as much detail asyou need, including the Country of issue,Description, Catalog Number, Value, Dateand Price of Purchase, and more.
AM_WB12.ZIP 242,706 07-31-95 Wine Cellar Book v1.2 for Windows. For theinventory and management of a home winecellar. You may catalog as much detail asyou need: vintage, producers, grapevarietal, rating and more.
AREA_ZIP.ZIP1,809,482 07-17-95 Area Code/Zip Code Database for Accessv2.0. Instantly look up any area or zipcode in the US.
ASCIIC10.ZIP 66,133 09-11-95 AsciiConvert v1.00 <ASP> Restructurescomma-delimited ASCII files so that theycan be imported to databases more easily.Functions include field re-sequencing, newfields, constants, dates and more.
BBOKV102.ZIP 325,019 08-24-95 BlueBook v1.02. Fast and versatile personaldatabase with seamless Wintegration.Flatfile, free-text, 32000records/database. Supports UNlimited"metabases", & hyperlinks. Each record runsany program.
CDPROW14.ZIP 179,553 07-17-95 CDPro v1.4 for Windows. Keep track of allof your recordings.
CDS58.ZIP 106,758 07-10-95 Music CD Cataloguing System v5.8.
CLMEDIA.ZIP 614,463 08-03-95 Classical Media Manager for Windows.Catalog your audio, video, printed, andsoftware collections.
D4D.ZIP 37,401 07-24-95 Database for Dummies v1.1. Database forsecretaries, who are often computerilliterate. It integrates edit and commandkeys, and displays all importantinformation on a single screen, making theprogram easy to use.
DBSOFT2.ZIP 127,779 07-31-95 Database for inventorying computer software.
DSKTRK40.ZIP 228,156 08-02-95 DiskTrak v4.0 for Windows. Create adatabase of all your diskettes with thefiles and free space available on each one.You can also include a comment/ descriptionfor each file, and extract names storedinside archived fi
DT_811.ZIP 286,309 08-31-95 DiscTrak System v8.11. Home EntertainmentCataloging Database program can organizeall of your CDs, Cassettes, Albums,LaserDiscs and VCR Tapes easily. Search forany song title, Star, Director and more!
EB98.ZIP 1,269,840 08-04-95 Easy Base v9.8. Rapid Application Developerfor data management. First true RAD systemto be available on shareware. Createsophisticated menu driven apps in recordtime.
EXACFIND.ZIP 93,399 07-02-95 ExacFind for Windows. AC/CitySearch/Copy/Retrieve. Search its largedatabase for telephone area codes by state,or cities by area code. State informationis included.
EXLBOOK.ZIP 30,294 08-30-95 Excel Electronic Book & Training Manual.This will get you up and running andproducing professional spread sheets in notime. Also contains some tips, tactics andinformation not included in other manuals.
EZB.ZIP 82,379 07-05-95 EZB v2.22. Easy-to-use database managercomes with several pre-defined databasestructures, or you can create your own.Features automatic indexing of all fieldsfor fast retrieval, free-text search optionand more.
FILE20.ZIP 234,259 07-24-95 File a Friend v2.00. Keep track of yourFriends and Business Assosiates Addressesand Phone Number(s).
IBID34.ZIP 96,151 09-13-95 IBID. List Maker v3.4 for Windows. Storeyour definitions with smart linkingfull-page text. And/or searches, printinggraphical navigation of database. Photobackdrops. Color code the items.
IDEX217.ZIP 730,088 08-22-95 Infodex v2.17 <ASP> Versatile databasemanager used to keep track of names andaddresses, equipment, computer software,books, and more! Includes a FREE-FORMlayout. Add, delete, or rearrange fieldseasily.
INFOBK11.ZIP 158,317 08-14-95 InfoBooks v1.1 for Windows. Makescataloguing books easy and hassle-free.Using a simple and easy to understandinterface, infoBooks is designed from theground up to make keeping tracks of booksfast and efficient.
KWICFILE.ZIP 171,935 07-17-95 Kwic-File v2.10. Automated document filingsystem which lets you file and retrievedocuments by the words contained in thedocuments. Documents can be created usingAMI-PRO, Word for Windows, Word Perfect orthey can be AS
LISTBLD1.ZIP 444,054 07-13-95 Listbuilder v1.11 for Windows <ASP> ContactManager for building networks of people.Collect demographic info, set appointmentson your calendar, auto-dial your contacts,brain storm to build bigger lists!
MEDIAMGR.ZIP 578,892 07-18-95 Personal Media Manager for Windows.Catalogs and tracks your audio, video,printed and software collections.
MGDEX16.ZIP 100,321 08-08-95 MagIndex v1.6 for Windows. Keeps track ofmagazines, bulletins, and various printedarticles.
PHCENTER.ZIP 921,312 08-15-95 Phone Center v2.0 for Windows. Fullfeatured phone database using MicroSoftAccess style dbase files!
PHONES20.ZIP 201,883 07-10-95 Phone and Address Database System v2.0.Need an easy way to keep up with your phonenumbers and addresses? Phones allows aneasy method of managing this information.
PMASTE.ZIP 315,829 07-10-95 Phone Master v4.50 for Windows. Name,Address and Phone book.
RMS32D.ZIP 602,042 07-30-95 RMS-III: Reference Management System v3.2d<ASP> For entry, search and reports ofbiblio/reference data (withnotes/abstract). Portable dBase III datafiles. Annotated menu driven system withmany view, and search options.
SAVEBBS.ZIP 281,183 07-29-95 Saver's BBS Address Book for Windows.Designed to make the storage of your BBSaddress and phone numbers simple, easy andquick. Central storage with quick andsimple cataloging.
SFOLDER1.ZIP 35,411 07-31-95 StartManager Folder v1.0. Easy to setup anduse database. Uses a DOS Graphicalinterface (GUI). Perfect for small businessor personal use.
SMOVIE.ZIP 280,965 08-08-95 Movie Catalog for Windows. Using simplecataloging methods, Movie Catalog providethe easy quick fast and easy access totheir Movie Library. Automatically Sorted,entrees can be found, displayed and printedat the click o
SMTADR25.ZIP 411,254 09-11-95 Smart Address v2.5 Windows! Addressmanagement. Direct Links to anyWordProcessor, Mail-Merge Data filecreation for MS-Word, modem support,envelope and label printing, mail-shotcapabilities, more.
SMTCAT18.ZIP 306,628 08-03-95 The ultimate Windows Disk/CD Cataloger.MDI, ZIP, ARJ etc. Support. Multiplemergeable catalogs. Unique extensionconcept allows analysing any format file todetermine internal files or grab comments.Great searching capab
SMTCKM10.ZIP 159,919 08-18-95 SmartChecker v1.0 for Windows. Spreadsheetaddon that audibly "Reads Back" ranges ofcells from a spreadSheet. (No sound cardrequired) Supplied with an Excel Add-Onthat can incorporate it permanently in theTools menu.
TOYS2D1.ZIP 448,238 08-12-95 Toy Librarian v2.0D for Windows. Toytracking system; queries can be quicklybuilt on-line by the collector to searchtheir toys anyway they may desire; cannedreports are available for tracking costs,values, toys that ar
TUNEUP.ZIP 1,342,345 07-03-95 TuneUP v3.0. Ultimate Repair & Compactutility for Access databases. UnattendedRepair, Compact on timed intervals. Settimer intervals to Daily, Weekly andMonthly. Choose day of the week, month, andexact time for reair/
VIDA108A.ZIP 394,140 08-13-95 VisuaData v1.08A for Windows. User-friendlydata management designed for intelligenttechnical analysis using neural network orgenetic algorithm pgms; reads MetaStock(ms), CSI (csi), Computrac (cpt),FutureSource (fs) &
VISTA10.ZIP 437,118 08-15-95 VistaCalc v1.0 for Windows. Fast, powerful,and easy to use spreadsheet program for thehome and office. VistaCalc's user friendlyinterface enables you to create a widerange of documents.
VLT32111.ZIP 358,071 07-20-95 Vault v1.11 for Win 95/NT. Stores yourinformation as an outline. Organizes yourinformation into categories andsub-categories that you specify. Searchcommand finds the information you needinstantly.
WMLPB_60.ZIP 507,044 07-10-95 My Little Phone Book v0.60 for Win95/NT.Designed to be very easy to use yetpowerful enough to handle large amountsdata with ligting speed.
WTMS.ZIP 632,830 07-02-95 Windows Tape Management System Demo. Videotape cataloging system restricted to fourtapes entered before registration.